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Tag: woke

124: Sue, boycott and punch back!

P&C drink and review a hop-infused cider (what?), then discuss how lawsuits and boycotts might be the only hope of saving western civilization from the assault by woke, racist morons.

The boys don’t like litigation or boycotts, but it seems those might be the only tools to fight critical race theory and the other woke idiocies that are ruining lives and destroying the culture.

Corporations are buying into these explicity racist, illegal, and immoral diversity struggle sessions to avoid lawsuits. Conservatives need to show them that lawsuits and boycotts can come from both sides, and that the law is on our side. Critical Race Theory is clearly racist, and therefore it’s unconstitutional for the government to promote it.

And now we have Major League Baseball getting into politics. Rather than being the non-political escape that we all were able to enjoy together, sports organizations are injecting partisan politics into our free time.

As distasteful as it is, we need to boycott the idiots until they get some sense and grow a pair.

113: Equity vs Equality

P&C drink and review Crowhill’s anise-flavored porter, then discuss the differences between equality and equity.

The words are often confused and misused. Generally speaking, equality focuses on equal treatment while equity focuses on equal outcomes.

Equity is the right choice in some situations, but not in others. But “equity” has become the modern rallying cry, as if it’s a cure-all. Equity is particularly misplaced when it’s applied to groups rather than to individuals, so the combination of equity and identity politics creates a particularly bad outcome.

111: Erasing the Past

P&C drink and review a double IPA from Bell’s, then discuss the 3-headed hydra of cancel culture: canceling the present, erasing the past, and banning people for the future.

We’re starting to see examples of the media editing old stories to change the past to fit the modern “narrative.” It’s literally Orwellian.

There are new initiatives to erase literal crimes to give someone a fresh start, but at the same time, thought crimes from decades ago still ruin lives.

It’s a bizarre world.

108: What is “Gaslighting”?

P&C drink and review some hot and cold sake, then discuss gaslighting.

They start with a review of the 1940 film with Ingrid Bergman to get the original meaning of the term, then, along with special guest Longinus, go through a list of modern issues that might or might not be gaslighting.

The goal of gaslighting is to get the person being gaslighted (gaslit?) to accept as true something the gaslighter knows is false, to the benefit of the gaslighter. But as you go through things that have been held up as examples, it can get complicated.

  • Does it have to be a single deceiver on a single victim?
  • Does there have to be an intent to deceive?
  • Does it have to be sustained — not a one-off?
  • Does there need to be malice involved?
  • Is a sign of gaslighting that “the argument is over”?
  • Can there be unintentional gaslighting?
  • What if you’re lying in service of a greater good?

By the end of this show you might not have a perfect answer, but you’ll have a better sense of the concept.