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Tag: IPA

126: Crybaby America

P&C drink and review Joyous IPA from Troegs, then talk about tattletales and crybabies. The boys are sick of them, but it seems their ranks are swelling.

What’s causing this? Could it be instant gratification, the daily outrage, helicopter parents, participation trophies, people get extremely upset over the most ridiculous things, and the malaise of safety?

How have we come to this place? How did we become so coddled and spoiled?

The boys discuss possible causes from three angles: technology, culture, and the geopolitical situation.

115: Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

P&C review Glutenberg, a gluten-free IPA, then, along with special guest Longinus, discuss Elie Wiesel’s Night.

The boys have covered some hard topics, but this was the most difficult. The book chronicles Wiesel’s experiences leading up to and then during his confinement in Auschwitz. The story takes you through all the small steps on his journey from being a boy who wants nothing more than to study Kabbalah to an innocent who is sentenced to a living Hell.

103: The growing threat of soft authoritarianism

P&C drink and review Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Fresh Hop IPA, then talk about totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and fascism. Following up, they evaluate Rod Dreher’s “soft totalitarianism” from “Live Not by Lies.” P&C think Dreher has the label wrong.

We’re at a cross-roads. Is there time (or the will) to stop the growing tech-inspired soft authoritarianism?

The atheist at prayer

Can atheists pray? Why would they?

Before they wrap their minds around that strange topic, the boys drink and review Full Sail IPA by Full Sail Brewery. A “ridiculously tasty IPA.”

Back to prayer, Crowhill takes a stab at the straw men definitions some atheists use about faith, e.g., “faith is believing against evidence.” Which is nonsense.

The boys also take a stab at Jordan Peterson’s somewhat lame attempt to avoid the question of whether he not he believes in God.

Then they get into some actual examples of self-professed atheists who claim to pray, and they try to explain why that might make sense.