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Beer and Conversation Podcast

107: Ayn Rand and Objectivism

P&C drink and review Sierra Nevada’s bottle-conditioned porter, then discuss Ayn Rand and objectivism with special guest Longinus.

They quickly review the basic tenets of objectivism, then discuss how those ideas play out in three works: Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, and Anthem.

The boys discuss what Rand’s ideas mean, and whether they’re useful and applicable in the real world.

105: Executive Orders

P&C drink and review Pigweed’s homebrewed winter warmer, then discuss executive orders.

What is the function and purpose of an executive order? Is it a way to get around Congress? What are the limits? Is this one of the ways the imperial presidency has usurped the legislative function, or is it a valid power of the executive?

The boys look at the history of this strange executive power and comment on its use.

104: The Enlightenment

P&C drink and review Dirty Little Freak, a flavorful brown ale from DuClaw Brewery, then discuss the Enlightenment. 

What was the Enlightenment, when did it happen, and what ideas did it produce? Why has it come under fire from some quarters today? Should we value the Enlightenment, or is it just another example of racism and white privilege? 

103: The growing threat of soft authoritarianism

P&C drink and review Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Fresh Hop IPA, then talk about totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and fascism. Following up, they evaluate Rod Dreher’s “soft totalitarianism” from “Live Not by Lies.” P&C think Dreher has the label wrong.

We’re at a cross-roads. Is there time (or the will) to stop the growing tech-inspired soft authoritarianism?

102: ACAB – All Cops are Bad

P&C drink and review Old Speckled Hen, an English ale, then talk about ACAB.

Is the central intent of policing to surveil, terrorize, capture and kill marginalized populations, specifically black folk? There are people in our society who are promoting that view.

The media, politicians and similar cretins keep feeding us a narrative that we have an epidemic of white cops killing unarmed black people. Is it true?

100 – Believe the Science?

P&C drink Southern Belle, an imperial brown ale, then discuss problems in science.

It would be nice to believe that we can rely on science. Scientists are supposed to be dispassionate, purely rational people who follow the evidence where it leaves.

P&C call BS. Science is as influenced by politics, ideology, ambition, egos, trends and fads as anything else. So how are we supposed to “trust the science”? And what is “the science” anyway?

The atheist at prayer

Can atheists pray? Why would they?

Before they wrap their minds around that strange topic, the boys drink and review Full Sail IPA by Full Sail Brewery. A “ridiculously tasty IPA.”

Back to prayer, Crowhill takes a stab at the straw men definitions some atheists use about faith, e.g., “faith is believing against evidence.” Which is nonsense.

The boys also take a stab at Jordan Peterson’s somewhat lame attempt to avoid the question of whether he not he believes in God.

Then they get into some actual examples of self-professed atheists who claim to pray, and they try to explain why that might make sense.

Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris on religion

Pigweed and Crowhill both like Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, but it’s interesting to watch them clash, as they did in their discussions on religion in Vancouver.

Before tackling such a weighty subject, the boys enjoy Crowhill’s latest creation, a dark German ale that uses a Kolsch yeast, but is not a Kolsch.

Peterson and Harris have a lot in common. They’re both well-educated scientists who know a lot about the brain and social science research on behavior.

But Harris is an aggressive atheist who seems to hate all religions, while Peterson has a warmer feeling towards religion. (Despite the fact people have a hard time understanding exactly what he believes about God.)

The boys discuss an article Crowhill wrote on his blog about Peterson, as well as other issues in dispute between the atheist Harris and the Jungian Peterson.