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Beer and Conversation Podcast

137: The lab origin idea, zoom life, sobriety checkpoints and more

The boys drink and review Young Buck, a Maibock from Key Brewing, then knock out five topics in five minutes each.

The lab origin hypothesis. There’s a lab in Wuhan, China, that works on “gain of function” in coronaviruses, which, by an astonishing coincidence, is where the virus started — but somehow the idea that the virus came from the lab was a crazy conspiracy theory.

Zoom life — what we’ve learned about virtual meetings during the pandemic.

Sobriety checkpoints — are they legal? Should they be? They seem to reverse the presumption of innocence.

Vaccines — are you a crazy, awful, conspiratorial monster if you choose to avoid the vaccine?

9-0 SCOTUS decision on Catholic organizations being involved in foster care.

136: Too much safety

The boys review two homebrewed bourbon barrel-aged stouts — both from the same recipe. One from this year, and one from a couple years ago. Then they the change in parents’ attitudes towards safety.

In the 70s we didn’t wear helmets or knee pads, and we didn’t use seat belts. How much safer are we today? How much safer do we feel? It seems that we’re way safer, but feel more vulnerable.

What about sports? Do kids collect neighborhood friends and play ball, or do they have to wait until the adults organize it for them? Do they ever learn to make their own rules, negotiate and resolve conflicts?

What has caused this dramatic change in attitudes?

135: Analytical vs intuitive thinking

The boys review their Strauss challenge (in which they brewed two homebrews, one with 100% Vienna malt and one with 100% Munich malt), then discuss two different ways of approaching the world — the broader meaning vs. the specific, practical meaning — and how a skeptical / analytical view of the world contrasts with a more intuitive view.

One view might be called sentimental, or following an unprovable grand narrative, while the other might be called practical, rational, hard-headed or maybe “objective.”

Should everything be “rational”? Sometimes things that seem irrational have a hidden origin or meaning that shouldn’t be easily dismissed.

Ep 134: Statehood for DC and PR?

Why don’t these U.S. citizens get the same representation as residents of the 50 states?

P&C drink and review a west coast IPA from local Hysteria Brewing, then discuss statehood for DC and PR.

Is “taxation without representation” a fair way to characterize the U.S. attitude towards the District of Columbia.

The constitution says Congress has exclusive jurisdiction over the federal district. Is that a good idea?

Or … to put it the other way … do you want the seat of government under the control of one of the states?

And how about Puerto Rico? Should it be a state? Under what terms do we admit new territories as states?

133: G.I. woke

P&C drink and review Hysteria’s Barleyfine, then discuss military recruitment.

How do you inspire young men to join the armed forces and put their lives on the line for the country? According to the Biden administration, wokeness is the key. What we need, they think, is flight suits for pregnant women.

The boys recently watched four recruitment videos: one from China, one from Russia, and two from the U.S. — one for the army and one for the CIA. The Russians and the Chinese are appealing to masculinity, strength, discipline, self-sacrifice and other traditional disciplines. The U.S. videos are all about voyages of self discovery, wokeness and narcissism.

The military is about shedding your individual identity to become part of a bigger cause, specifically service to the country. But Biden thinks other things are more important.

Our enemies are laughing.

132: Lockdown, take 2

P&C drink and review Gaffel’s Kolsch, then discuss the lockdown. Was it worth it?

What was the original purpose of locking us all in our homes? How did we get into this weird situation in the first place? Why did we allow it to go so long? What were the consequences, and the unintended consequences?

In making this unprecedented decision, did anyone count the costs of the lockdown? Apparently not. It seems that the allegedly free governments of the west saw that China got away with it and decided to give it a try. To their surprise (and glee?), it worked.

The lockdown was a one-size fits all response to a disease that was known to affect demographic groups very differently. It was a hammer solution to a tweezer problem.

Think of the damage that’s been done to our culture as a result of the lockdown. The media is in cahoots with the government, promoting one story and suppressing another. We’ve accepted the idea that there’s an orthodoxy of thought, and it’s infiltrated science. Big tech, big government and media are all in a conspiracy to shoot down dissent.

P&C discuss these issues, then review the lockdown from three perspectives: what it’s done to freedom, health and the economy.

131: Biden’s first 100 days

The boys drink and review Spaten’s Optimator — a delicious dopplebock from Germany — then discuss Biden’s first 100 days in office. How has he done?

While there are some decent, or even positive points, the overall rating is poor.

Pigweed and Crowhill discuss Joe’s sharp left turn, his oversight of the vaccine program, his spending proposals, his cowardice in the face of the teacher’s union, his mismanagement of the border, his foreign policy, climate issues, social justice, police reform, accusing the United States of racism …. Biden seems on track to be Jimmy Carter 2, or worse.

130: The Hound of the Baskervilles

P&C drink and review an IPA from Mully’s Brewery in Southern Maryand, then — with special guest Longinus — review the classic horror / mystery novel featuring the world’s most famous detective. 

The boys review the story of the spectral hound (with spoilers) and evaluate Conan Doyle’s writing style, as well as his well-known characters, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. What kind of a man was Sherlock Holmes? And what kind of a relationship did he have with Watson? 

The Hound of the Baskervilles is a classic tale, full of mystery,  romance, intrigue and horror, and a good introduction to these famous characters. We hope this short episode gives you a taste to dig further into the affairs of the man who made 221B Baker Street famous.

129: The hero quest pattern

The boys drink and review an imperial red ale from Mully’s Brewery, then discuss the hero quest pattern and how it applies to different stories.

The common elements of the hero quest include …

  • An unusual birth,
  • Separated from father / mother, sent to live with aunt / uncle,
  • A call to Adventure,
    • Sometimes from an animal, which symbolizes our gut instincts
    • Sometimes from a wizard, or spiritual guide
    • sometimes it requires leaving the influence of your family, or your mother,
  • Leaves the familiar world.
  • At the boundary of familiar and unfamiliar, the hero encounters the threshold guardian — often his shadow.
  • Goes into strange and threatening lands where he might fight monsters to find the hidden potentials.
  • Death and rebirth — old self dies, new self emerges with new strength and purpose

They see the pattern in the stories of Moses, Krishna and Mithridates. (They wanted to add Jesus and Buddha, but there wasn’t time.) Then they discuss the larger issue of patterns and archetypes.

What’s the origin of this hero quest pattern, and why do so many compelling stories follow it? What does the hero quest say about each of our lives? Where are these archetypes from, and how do they play out in society?

128: Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli's The PrinceThe boys drink and review Holy Roller, a hazy IPA, and talk about Niccolo Machiavelli, the infamous author of The Prince.

Do the ends justify the means? (And did Machiavelli mean that?)

The boys discuss Machiavelli’s historical context, the work for which he is mostly known, and the meaning and application of the term “Machiavellian.”

Machiavelli satirizes the classic view of virtues, espoused by Cicero. Those virtues might be nice, he says, but they won’t keep you in power.

The Prince is contrary to both Roman and Christian values, and was almost scandalous in its time.

127: The Beer Episode

In which Pigweed and Crowhill, long-time homebrewers, talk about beer for 40 minutes.

They start with hop classifications, and review Pigweed’s 3 categories of hops

  • Tobacco / Earthy (Fuggle, Mt. Hood, Northern Brewer, Saaz)
    • Even skunky
  • Piney (Chinook, Northern Brewer, Simcoe)
    • Resins and stickiness
  • Fruity
    • Grapefruit
    • Tropical fruit?

About what about cold beer? Why is it so important to drink beer cold? For much of history, beer was drunk warm, or at least not cold, and in cold climates, a mug of warm ale would revive you. But Americans seem to like their beer very cold.

A relatively new craze on the beer scene is sour beer. What makes a beer sour, and why do people like that? (Our friends at Hysteria Brewing make a lot of sours!)

The boys also take issue with their fellow beer geeks who seem to think they have to criticize Budweiser.

They end the show with a pair of homebrew beer challenges. 

126: Crybaby America

P&C drink and review Joyous IPA from Troegs, then talk about tattletales and crybabies. The boys are sick of them, but it seems their ranks are swelling.

What’s causing this? Could it be instant gratification, the daily outrage, helicopter parents, participation trophies, people get extremely upset over the most ridiculous things, and the malaise of safety?

How have we come to this place? How did we become so coddled and spoiled?

The boys discuss possible causes from three angles: technology, culture, and the geopolitical situation.

125: Witches

P&C drink and review “Unforgivable Curses” by Peabody Heights brewery, then discuss witches and witchcraft.

What’s up with witches? Nowadays we mostly think of them as fun and sexy, but there was a time when people were scared to death of witches, hunted them down and hanged them. Why?

The boys discuss various pogroms against witches over the years, trying to sort out what’s true and what’s a misconception. They cover …

  • Saul and the witch of Endor
  • Joan of Arc
  • The Malleus Maleficarum
  • The witch’s mark
  • Salem
  • How many witches were actually killed?

… and much more.

124: Sue, boycott and punch back!

P&C drink and review a hop-infused cider (what?), then discuss how lawsuits and boycotts might be the only hope of saving western civilization from the assault by woke, racist morons.

The boys don’t like litigation or boycotts, but it seems those might be the only tools to fight critical race theory and the other woke idiocies that are ruining lives and destroying the culture.

Corporations are buying into these explicity racist, illegal, and immoral diversity struggle sessions to avoid lawsuits. Conservatives need to show them that lawsuits and boycotts can come from both sides, and that the law is on our side. Critical Race Theory is clearly racist, and therefore it’s unconstitutional for the government to promote it.

And now we have Major League Baseball getting into politics. Rather than being the non-political escape that we all were able to enjoy together, sports organizations are injecting partisan politics into our free time.

As distasteful as it is, we need to boycott the idiots until they get some sense and grow a pair.

123: Voting Laws

P&C review Pigweed’s most recent pale ale, then discuss voting laws.

Are the “one-time” voting accommodations for the pandemic going to change things permanently?

The last election was weird. Mail-in (late) ballots. Ballots mailed to everyone on the roles. Votes counted after election day.

Both sides recognize there’s cause for some sort of clean-up, but we have different visions of what that should be. There’s (so far) a federal approach, and a state (GA) approach.

P&C weigh in, discussing the role of the federal and the state governments, and how we balance keeping things local vs. national standards.