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208: Pigweed and Crowhill save the planet

Global Warming protestIf the alarmists are right and we have to act, what should we do?

The boys drink and review Still Holidazed and Confused from Hysteria Brewing, then discuss how to save the planet.

P&C decide to buy in to climate alarmism (for purposes of the show) and discuss what we’d have to do to save the planet. What would have to change? If radical change is necessary, what would it look like?

Most of the normal suggestions are simply window dressing — polishing the brass on a sinking ship.

If you really wanted to make a significant change, P&C give you some ideas.

207: Food fads, “free range” chicken, farmed fish, etc.

free range chickenFood science is notoriously unreliable, and food fads are even worse

The boys drink and review a “lazy beer,” then discuss food fads.

Is it better to “eat local”? Are farmed fish less healthy than wild caught? Are “free range” chickens happier and healthier than others?

Unfortunately, many of these things are so imprecisely defined that they’re meaningless.

Pigweed and Crowhill both agree with many of the goals of the people who promote some of these food fads, but when you look into them, they tend to fall apart under scrutiny.

206: The decline of men, and why families are important

The decline of masculinity and family formation is a bad thing for society

P&C drink and review a homebrewed red ale, then discuss families.

Men are not as manly as they used to be. Testosterone has been dropping at 1% per year for decades. Men are withering away. At the same time, they have easy access to porn, and masculinity is regularly dissed.

The result is that men are less interested in women and families.

Families model future relationships, they provide a sense of security, they sacrifice for and nurture children, they civilize men. Getting married causes both men and women to grow up, and it affects their vision of the future in a positive way.

205: Chivalry, then and now

ChivalrySociety needs rules to rein in the behavior of men. It was chivalry for knights. What is it today?

P&C drink and review Pigweed’s Texas Brown Ale, then discuss the history and modern application of chivalry.

The word comes from “horsemanship,” and originally applied to knights.

Society needs hard men who are willing to fight, but they also need these men to be decent and courteous off the battlefield. Medieval Europeans developed expectations for knightly conduct, and this turned into a code.

Some knights were almost like fighting monks, and formed religious orders that regulated their conduct in war and in peace. Chivalry also regulated courtly love.

How does this apply to a modern man? P&C list several ways men should be expected to behave in modern society.

204: Multiple Personalities / DID

Sybil, DID, multiple personality disorderIs it real, or a lot of coached play acting?

P&C drink and review one of Crowhill’s recent homebrews, then discuss multiple personality syndrome, or, the way it’s known these days, dissociative identity disorder (DID).

The boys review some popular treatments of the subject, including The Three Faces of Eve, Sybil, the Billy Milligan story, and Split.

Is DID real, or are people being coached (even hypnotized or drugged) into a diagnosis by their therapists? P&C have their doubts.

Cases of DID always increase after a popular movie or book covers the subject. Today, there’s a whole community of DID sufferers on TikTok.

203: The Infantilization of the West

Man babyWe have prolonged adolescence and forgetten to expect people to grow up.

The boys sip and review 1623 Brewing’s Lil Sips Scottish Imperial Stout, then wonder why our society has lost the idea that people should grow up.

Educated grown-ups are claiming that words are violence. That’s the way a child views the world.

Our culture has become so infantilized that we think we should “listen to the children.”

The popularity of superhero movies are an example of this attempt to freeze life in a perpetual adolescence.

P&C review a list of areas in which society seems to refuse to grown up. We’ve come to accept arrested emotional development.

Russia and China are laughing.

202: Therapy culture

Does everything need to be a diagnosis? Do we all need therapy?

P&C drink and review Mosaic Single Hop Hazy IPA from Sweetwater, then discuss therapy culture.

Are we addicted to therapy? Have we redefined ourselves around our emotions? Are we all vulnerable, broken, “at risk,” scarred for life?

There’s been an erosion of the boundary between the private and the public. Now we have TV shows where people disclose their personal issues. There’s nothing more virtuous today than seeking treatment.

We’ve demonized silence, stoicism and a stiff upper lip. Do healthy people really have to talk about themselves? Publicly?

201: The James Webb Space Telescope

James Webb Space TelescopeJWST will usher in a new age in space exploration

The boys drink and review a sake, then discuss the James Webb Space Telescope.

This magnificent feat of engineering launched on Christmas Day, 2021, and recently deployed flawlessly at Lagrange Point 2. From there it will scan the heavens on the infrared part of the spectrum and send back astonishing pictures.

P&C review the history of the development of this marvel, discuss all the things that had to go right for it to be a success, and wonder about what humanity might learn from this new look into the cosmic past.

200: An overview of the first 200 episodes

Pigweed and Crowhill review how and why they started the podcast, and the innovations and interesting things they’ve brought to “Beer and Conversation” over the years, including skits, Five for Five, Shortcut to the Classics, Nooze and Booze, pretend events that never happened, and reviews of books that don’t exist. They’ve also covered a wide range of topics, including economics, religion, science, culture, politics, entertainment (movies, books, tv), tech, history, logic, grammar, cryptocurrency, science fiction, and a lot more.

199: Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

Edith WhartonThe sad story of a man caught between duty, desire, and reality

Along with special guest Longinus, P&C review a winter warmer from Flying Dog, then discuss Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome.

This is a depressing story of a man who is stuck. He’s stuck with a wife he doesn’t love. Stuck in a city he doesn’t particularly like. Stuck in a profession he didn’t choose.

When a spark comes into his life in the person of his wife’s cousin, Maddie, he starts to dream of a better future. But it doesn’t work out.

The story is set in a fictional, very cold town. Wear your wool socks when you read this one.

198: P&C go to a very traditional Catholic mass

mtcalvary churchAs a follow-up to our visit to an Evangelical church, we try the other end of the spectrum.

After reviewing Southern Tier’s Irish Cream Stout, P&C discuss their experiences at Mount Calvary church in Baltimore.

With special guest Longinus, the boys review the history of the church, its Anglo-Catholic background, and its recent decision to come into communion with Rome.

They discuss their observations about the building itself, the music, the liturgy, the homily and the participants. There were smells, bells, vestments — the whole deal. And it was a very long mass!

The overall experience was quite interesting.

197: Militaries around the world

German and Japanese militariesDoes the U.S. spend too much on its military?

P&C drink and review Victory’s Storm King, then Pigweed quizzes Crowhill on military statistics. Who spends the most? Who has the biggest military? Who has the most global firepower?

After reviewing some stats, the boys discuss the politics of it all. Why is the U.S. military all over the world, protecting everyone else? Does NATO pay its fair share? Should we be protecting other countries, or should they shoulder their own burden?

196: Expressive Individualism

Can freedom and individuality go too far?

P&C drink and review Smoke and Dagger black lager from Jack’s Abby, then discuss expressive individualism. 

On the one hand, individual expression and liberty are part of what we celebrate in America. We want people to be free of unnecessary constraints. 

But even good things can be taken too far, and insisting that everyone should be able to express their psychological core — however they define that, and however they like — is too far. 

The boys discuss. 

195: Biden in 2024, Thick Spokesmodels, and Mask Mandates

The boys open the mailbag and answer three listener questions

P&C drink and review Harpoon’s Winter Warmer, then open the mailbag.

Uncle Billy doesn’t believe Joe Biden will run for president, and that Harris is a disaster for the Democratic Party. The boys review and discuss options.

Red Pill Rick wonders why spokesmodels and actresses are getting chunkier. Pigweed and Crowhill reflect on some possible examples and plausible explanations. And probably get in trouble in the process.

Chaz the Spaz asks why unelected officials are making laws. Pigweed has a relevant person experience with his county council and mask mandates.

194: The Metaverse

The metaverseAre we flying headlong into a new technology we’re not ready for?

P&C drink and review a Christmas Ale from Great Lakes Brewing, then discuss the metaverse.

The boys define the metaverse, and then discuss its ups and downs.

The metaverse offers very interesting options, like visiting new places, or reviewing a new house on the other side of the country. The primary business application would be better meetings, eliminating the need for travel, and possibly using VR for advanced training. It might also make more opportunities for disabled people to participate in activities.

On the negative side, there are a lot of disappointing, creepy and scary implications. Privacy will almost surely be lost. There will be less parental control, and more stalking, sexual grooming, and other nasty stuff.

Is it a good thing? Does it even matter?