P&C drink and review Gaffel’s Kolsch, then discuss the lockdown. Was it worth it?
What was the original purpose of locking us all in our homes? How did we get into this weird situation in the first place? Why did we allow it to go so long? What were the consequences, and the unintended consequences?
In making this unprecedented decision, did anyone count the costs of the lockdown? Apparently not. It seems that the allegedly free governments of the west saw that China got away with it and decided to give it a try. To their surprise (and glee?), it worked.
The lockdown was a one-size fits all response to a disease that was known to affect demographic groups very differently. It was a hammer solution to a tweezer problem.
Think of the damage that’s been done to our culture as a result of the lockdown. The media is in cahoots with the government, promoting one story and suppressing another. We’ve accepted the idea that there’s an orthodoxy of thought, and it’s infiltrated science. Big tech, big government and media are all in a conspiracy to shoot down dissent.
P&C discuss these issues, then review the lockdown from three perspectives: what it’s done to freedom, health and the economy.