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220: The origins of common phrases

They might not be what you’ve been told. Sometimes the origins or phrases are shrouded in mystery.

The boys drink and review Sweet Baby Swirl, a chocolate peanut butter white stout, by DuClaw, then discuss various common phrases of dubious origin.

Close but no cigar. The whole nine yards. At the drop of a hat. Pushing the envelope. Best foot forward. Spitting image. In the nick of time. Pudding time. Beyond the pale. Jump on the bandwagon. Get off your high horse. Living high on the hog. Mad as a hatter. Toe the line. Crossing a red line. Dressed to the nines. Up to scratch. The bees knees. Apple of my eye. Therein lies the rub. Okay. Cat got your tongue. Turn a blind eye. Bit the bullet.

P&C review and comment on these sayings and try to probe possible origins.

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