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219: The Book of Revelation

Book of revelationThe boys delve into this mysterious, dramatic and somewhat frightening text.

P&C drink and review Sweet Baby Jesus, a chocolate peanut butter porter from DuClaw, then discuss the last and possibly weirdest book in the New Testament.

The Book of Revelation is often compared to a drug-induced hallucination. It’s anything but. It’s a very structured, organized book that ties together many prophetic themes from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament tradition.

Many themes in pop culture come from this book. The beat, and the mark of the beast. The mysterious number: 666. The four horsemen of the apocalypse. Themes about Babylon, and the whore of Babylon. Plagues. Bowls of the wrath of God.

P&C go chapter by chapter and explore the major themes of the book and some of the possible meanings of the text.

The overall message is that just as Jesus conquered through suffering and death, Christians are called to the same fate, and will conquer in the end.

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