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218: Are quotas a good idea?

Justice JacksonWhen do they help and when do they hurt?

P&C drink and review Union Brewing’s Steady Eddy IPA, then discuss quotas.

Quotas have become part of the landscape in many parts of our society. University admissions. Hiring. Political appointments.

The boys believe that quotas undermine the accomplishments of the people they are designed to help.

President Biden promised to choose a black woman as vice president, and then made the same promise for his first SCOTUS nominee. Is that good for the country?

P&C expose the hypocrisy of the left in pretending to want racial, ethnic and sexual diversity on the court while opposing nominees like Janice Rogers Brown or Miquel Estrada.

The NFL has also entered the game of racial and sexual quotas for coaching positions, leading to ridiculous and counter-productive measures for football.

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