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176: Vaccine Mandates

vaccinesDoes the federal government have the authority to mandate the vaccine?

P&C drink and review Pigweed’s winter warmer beer, then discuss the vaccine mandates.

The federal government can tell federal workers what to do. Where do they get the right to tell private employees what to do?

This same cast of characters just recently told us they had no authority to issue a mandate, and had no intention to. Now they’re issuing a mandate. What gives?

It seems as if the government is always moving the goal posts. What we said yesterday was Gospel, which contradicts what we say today, which is also Gospel, and you’d better get in line or we’ll cancel you.

P&C address other questions, such as …

  • Is Covid like smallpox?
  • Is Covid an emergency?
  • Does an emergency justify any proposed action?
  • Will the mandate create a bigger problem than it’s intended to solve?

It seems that we now have a professional / government / “expert” class that despises the general population. Or … have we always had that, and they’re only now saying it out loud?

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