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473: Christmas origins, history, and traditions: Is Christmas pagan?

With special guest Longinus, the boys drink and review Naked Elf by Troegs (a version of their seasonal Mad Elf), then discuss the history of all the funny traditions that make up our modern Christmas.

Was Jesus really born in a manger on the 25th of December? And speaking of dates, why do the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on a different day?

What did Saturnalia, the winter solstice, and Yule contribute to our Christmas traditions?

How did St. Nicholas get associated with Christmas?

Where did we get tree decorating, mistletoe, Yule logs, gift-giving men in fur cloaks, strange animals pulling sleighs, and the general festivity of the season?

Why are “scary ghost stories” associated with Christmas? And how did Thor’s goat get thrown into the mix?

Why did Oliver Cromwell and the early Americans have such a problem with Christmas?

Is Santa Claus really St. Nick, or is he the pagan Father Frost, or maybe Odin?

The boys discuss these and other fun stories about the origin of our modern Christmas celebration.

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