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447: Censorship in America and around the world

The boys drink and review one of Pigweed’s homebrews then discuss censorship (starting about 4:25).

There seems to be an increase in censorship around the world.

We seem to have lost our understanding of why free speech is important. P&C review.

– In the sciences, if people can’t bring up new ideas, you get stuck. You need a free marketplace of ideas.

– Free speech acts as a restraint on government power.

The governor of California recently signed a bill outlawing “deep fake” videos that “misinform.” Since when do we trust the government to decide what is true and false information?

In the UK, Scotland Yard is going after citizens (maybe even American citizens!) who say things the government doesn’t like.

The censorship industrial complex has evolved to the extend that they now have new words for us. Misinformation. Disinformation. Malinformation.

Some legislation wants to stop the spread of “hate.” But who defines what hate is?

What has happened to make censorship such an issue today?

– Technology allows it to spread faster.
– Government has access to new tools.

P&C review all the issues and come to some clear conclusions. Take a listen.

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