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433: The Trump assassination attempt and 4 other topics

The boys drink and review Crowhill’s homebrewed Extra Special Bitter, then discuss five topics — to clear out the backlog.

#1 — (2:58) Is it even possible that the Secret Service is as incompetent as they were in Pennsylvania? The security failures were epic and strain credulity. Could competent, trained professionals be this bad?

The boys review some of the emerging details and wonder what in the heck went wrong. Was the Secret Service complicit in the attempt, or were they impossibly incompetent?

And what about the DEI component? What were those short women doing trying to protect 6’3″ Trump?

#2 — (17:40) Is Ben Shapiro right about Social Security? Ben argues that the program was never designed to support people for 20 years of retirement. As life expectancy increases, shouldn’t the retirement age?

The boys are big fans of Shapiro, but aren’t convinced of his argument for several reasons. Listen in.

#3 — (23:18) Pigweed calls BS on the “my life is hard” narrative. Everyone these days has to have a persecution narrative. Society is expecting too much. It’s so hard. “Everybody told me I couldn’t be a scientist.” Baloney.

#4 — (27:38) Two views of technology: it will kill us, or it will usher in a golden age. This reflects two instincts that are necessary for humans — the need to explore and find new things, and the need to protect against contagion and unknown threats.

#5 — (33:20) Everybody wants to save the world but nobody wants to do the dishes. Sometimes you hear people say they want to do work that will make the world a better place. Do they have the competence? Do they have the necessary knowledge? The world is a complicated place. If they can’t keep their own house neat and orderly, what makes them think they can make the world neat and orderly?

The boys end the show with a letter to the show from Inigo Montoya, who accuses P&C of being “raw doggers.”

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