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429: OnlyFans is bad for women and society

P&C drink and review a summer ale, then discuss OnlyFans.

The OnlyFans site serves as a medium for paid content. It’s not only about sex. It can be used by artists, musicians, authors, and so on. But it’s largely about sex.

There are some possible benefits for women who choose to do “sex work” on OnlyFans. There are no pimps. They can set their own boundaries. They’re at less risk for STDs. And it’s possible (but unlikely) they’ll make a lot of money.

The potential benefits are far outweighed by many negatives.

Once a woman has agreed to do this work, she’s lost an important part of her dignity, and it’s hard to go back. Women who do OnlyFans will start to think “oh well, I guess I’m this kind of girl now.”

While women can set their own boundaries — choose “how far they will go” — they will be constantly pressured to do more.

The woman who does this kind of work on OnlyFans becomes a sexual object, and she will be treated that way. Sexual harassment is part of the job, and it gets very ugly. You’re no longer a person. You’re a product that exists to satisfy strangers sexually. It’s dehumanizing.

Stalkers are a real problem.

There is a false sense of privacy, since the content is allegedly behind a paywall and only available to “fans.” But it won’t stay private. People will find a way to download it and post it for free on the Internet. Everyone will be able to see it.

A woman’s future plans for career and family will be negatively affected by participating in OnlyFans, and it will affect the woman’s ability to be intimate with a real person.

Time as an OnlyFans star is very limited. There’s an endless stream of younger, hotter women ready to step up, and OnlyFans models in value as they age.

Some women might believe this is a ticket to easy money and a chance to find a rich mate, but that’s a delusion. High-value men don’t want to date sex workers, and no decent man wants to share his wife.

Also, it’s already hard enough to get married.

The promises of OnlyFans are a delusion — except for the very few who make a lot of money, but they’ve sold their soul in the bargain.

In addition to the negative effect on women, OnlyFans has a negative effect on society. It normalizes sex work, lowers the collective morality of society, and traps young women in a dead-end career.

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