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428: How scary is Trump’s Agenda 47?

Agenda 47 is a series of policy initiatives Trump intends to enact if elected. In the telling of one hair on fire liberal commentator, Agenda 47 includes …

  • massive deportation
  • death sentence for human trafficking
  • close the deptartment of education
  • put prayer in school
  • close race-based advantage programs
  • end the affordable care act
  • ban gender affirming care for adults and children
  • term limits for congress
  • investigate the Biden crime family
  • pardon Jan 6ers
  • increase juvenile sentences, strengthen immunity for police, deploy national guard in woke cities
  • reassess NATO
  • Muslim travel ban
  • create freedom cities
  • end federal EV mandates
  • drill for gas and oil domestically
  • increase tariffs on Chinese goods
  • extend 2017 tax cuts
  • extend the right to concealed carry
  • get Europe to pay back money we gave to Ukraine
  • remove federal subsidies from woke Universities

The boys review each of these items to determine if they’re as scary as the frightened liberals imagine.

They also discuss Joe Biden’s debate meltdown and what might happen next for Democrats.

P&C start the show by drinking and reviewing Eliot Ness Amber Lager from Great Lakes Brewing Company.

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