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425: P&C empty the mailbag

The boys drink and review Southern Cross ESB from M8 Beer Company, then go through reader questions and comments.

Questions include …

  • Why aren’t there more women in dangerous jobs, and should they be if we really want equity?
  • Does dating a trans woman make you gay?
  • More on cats vs. dogs
  • In your show on evolution you casually dismissed creationists. What’s up?
  • A reprise of the pendulum show. Are things shifting towards conservatism?
  • Have people had enough with mass immigration, but here and in Europe?
  • Do we really have government of, by, and for the people?
  • Is “Memories of my meloncholy whores” representative of Marquez in general since it does not include magical realism.
  • Did you notice that Marquez did not use quotation marks to designate speech?
  • Did the news covering racism cause the George Floyd madness, or did the George Floyd madness cause the news to cover racism?
  • We had a suggestion for a show on the poison of victimhood.
  • Why did we give any credence at all to that woman-hating Pearl Davis?
  • Why are you such mean bigots towards the LGBTQ community?

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