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346: Canada Sucks!

The boys drink and review three malt liquors, then discuss Canada.

It’s a beautiful place with very nice people, but politically it’s the worst country in the western world.

Aside from Canada ruining our weather in Maryland with their forest fires, we’ve been hearing too many ultra woke stories from our neighbors to the north.

There’s the case of the father who was fined $30,000 for “misgendering his daughter” and is currently out on bail.

Canada also has a horrifying program that allows people to commit medically assisted suicide. It started with hard cases, but of course it expanded to allow people who are depressed. And now the state can euthanize a child without the parent’s permission. It’s a complete horror show.

Remember the way the Canadians treated the truckers? The government-controlled media flagrantly lied about the truckers, called them racists — all the standard liberal playbook. Then the government shut down the trucker’s ability to speak, they froze their bank accounts, then stole money people donated to their cause (from a GoFundMe account). This is straight-forward totalitarianism.

Canada also banned conversion therapy. If a Christian pastor says that homosexuals can reform, he goes to jail. The modern perspective is that you have to be affirmed in whatever crazy thing you say — unless you say that you don’t want to be gay.

And then there’s Neil Young — that whiny, annoying liberal. He’s Canadian.

There’s also been a rash of vandalism against Catholic Churches in Canada.

The Canadian military is having a hard time recruiting because of the use of “gender analysis.”

The Canadian screen awards are even more woke than Hollywood.

The country is going down the tubes. Wake up people!

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