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338: The Ultimate Guide to Aliens; Everything You Need to Know

Alien on a swing setAre Aliens going mainstream?

The boys drink and review Crowhill’s latest homebrew concoction, then discuss the recent phenomenon of aliens moving from nerd world to mainstream.

Why has this happened? Is there new evidence?

Some videos have surfaced that allegedly show strange craft doing impossible things. The military seems to have changed its tune in their responses to these reports. Military aviators report regular contact with strange objects.

We also have high-level, credible whistleblowers who have given remarkable testimony that the U.S. government has alien spacecrafts.

But there are still no bodies, no spaceships, no x-rays, no blood samples.

It’s hard to say that we have new “evidence” now that we haven’t had for decades. It always seems to reduce down to the same thing. Seemingly sincere people can’t produce any tangible evidence.

Also, the underlying story doesn’t make any sense. These creatures have the tech to get here from light years away, but when they get here they just fly around, and occasionally crash in a back yard in Las Vegas.

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