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329: Nooze and Booze: The Durham Report

Nooze and BoozeThe boys drink a cocktail and discuss the significance of the Durham Report about Crossfire Hurricane — aka, the persecution of Donald Trump

The Federalist put it this way.

“Imagine someone told you that in the run-up to a U.S. presidential election, the FBI tried to undermine a candidate at the behest of the opposing campaign by cooking up a false narrative of collusion with Moscow.

“And let’s say this conspiracy implicated not just the FBI but also the White House, Justice Department, and CIA — and that nearly the entire corporate press went along with it, gleefully spreading the false narrative that this candidate was a Russian agent, running story after story of fabricated nonsense in a coordinated effort to ensure the opposing candidate won.”

The first conclusion from the report is that Trump is vindicated

  • It was a witch hunt (no reality – based on false information)
  • It was politically motivated
  • They were spying on his campaign
  • It was an attempt to stop him from being elected and to undermine his presidency
  • There was a deep-state conspiracy
  • The FBI, DOJ, and Obama administrations were colluding, using Clinton campaign ideas
  • The media was “fake news”

The media reaction was quite telling. Since they were in on the whole conspiracy, they’re not trying to cover it up. “Nothing new here.” They have no shame.

“The establishment media were so fully gulled and in the tank for the Russian collusion story for so long that they now just can’t acknowledge Durham’s report without also having to eat crow at the same time, something they clearly aren’t willing to do,” according to journalism professor Jeffrey McCall

The Durham report claims

  • Clinton campaign oppo research came up with BS allegations against Trump
  • FBI knew it was bogus, but acted on it as if it was serious.
  • Top FBI officials (documented Trump haters) approved a full-scale investigation.
  • FBI management was “pushing it so hard there was no stopping the train.” “Grease the skids.” Make it happen.
  • The Obama White House knew all these details and did not try to stop it.
  • The FBI should never have launched its investigation. It never had any evidence that would authorize such an investigation.
  • The FBI used completely different standards with Trump and Clinton.

Top officials at the White House and the FBI knew that the Clinton campaign was falsely claiming Russia collusion, they knew they had no evidentiary basis for this, they nevertheless launched a full-scale investigation.

But …
There were no convictions


  • “All actions are permissible” if you’re trying to stop Hitler, the devil, Trump
  • Shouldn’t a hero try to fix the election?

Given that we know all this …

  • Why should we trust the FBI on political questions?
  • (Also remember the “51 intelligence agencies” BS on the Biden laptop.)
  • If they can pull this off, the idea that the left stole the election seems more plausible

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