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324: Nuclear bombs and nuclear war

mushroom cloudThe boys drink and review Pigweed’s homemade brown ale, then discuss nuclear war.

They distinguish fission and fusion reactions, and how that relates to nuclear bombs and their development.

After Word War 2 there was a mad rush to develop larger and larger stockpiles.

Today, nine countries are confirmed as having nuclear weapons. But for some strange reason we seem less afraid of nuclear war now than we were during the Cold War.

The peace seems to have been maintained by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. But how does that apply in the modern world?

Where is the biggest risk of nuclear war today? Russia vs. U.S.? China vs. U.S.? China vs. India? India vs. Pakistan?

And what about Iran?

If there is a nuclear war, will we all die? Will it end all of humanity?

If there is a remnant, could they rebuild? What about nuclear winter?

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