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313: A Covid retrospective — what did the govt. get right?

Covid datingP&C drink and review Xingu black lager and then take a look back at the government response to the Covid crisis. Do you remember all of this?

  • “Three weeks to flatten the curve” became “everyone must stay inside until we have a vaccine.”
  • From the start, they tried to crush the lab-leak explanation as a wild-eyed conspiracy theory.
  • We were given contradictory nonsense about masks.
  • We were told to wipe down surfaces to prevent the spread.
  • We had to stay 6 feet apart.
  • We were told that natural immunity is no good.
  • Healthy young people were told they needed to get the vaccine.
  • Everyone had to stay indoors, even though Vitamin D helps against Covid.

Why did virologists and epidemiologists make all the rules? Why didn’t we consult other experts? Economists, educators, psychologists …? Did our leaders consider the human cost? The economic cost?

Why did the government, academia, the media, and social media all sing the same tune and promote the same agenda? Isn’t that a little scary?

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