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312: Lent and beer fasting

beer fastingWith special guest Longinus, the boys drink and review Paulaner pils, then discuss Lent and fasting.

Lent is the penitential season before Easter. Crowhill gives a basic history of Lent, and the boys discuss some common Lenten customs.

The 40 days of Lent are symbolic, similar to other 40-day events in the Bible.

Modern Lenten fasts are usually not as stringent as fasts in the past, and especially not as strict as the fasts the monks used to do.

Which leads us to Pigweed and Crowhill’s beer fast.

The Paulaner monks came up with a particularly strict fast in which they ate nothing and only drank beer and water for Lent.

Pigweed and Crowhill tried their own version of this fast and had nothing but beer and water for three days. They describe their experiences.

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