Pigweed and Crowhill, with special guest Longinus, drink and review a coffee stout from Guinness, then continue their “shortcut to the classics” series with a review of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.
They start off with a whirlwind tour of the story, then discuss various potential meanings and interpretations.
Generally speaking, the boys are not impressed, and they wonder why in the world this has become such a classic. It is the third most quoted book in the English language!
It’s silly and playful, but is that all? Are there any hidden meanings? Is there an underlying theme? What’s the appeal of this strange book?
Mock turtle:
Mock turtle soup was a dish intended to imitate turtle soup, when turtle was hard to come by and expensive. It was made with beef, which is why the “mock turtle” has calf-like characteristics. So obviously, the “mock turtle” is the creature mock turtle soup is made from.
Ah. Very interesting! Thanks.