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237: Matt Walsh, transgenderism, walruses and women

Walsh is standing against the looney left saying “stop.” P&C love it.

The boys drink and review Oliver Brewing’s Box Turtle Kolsch, then discuss that best-selling LGBT author, Matt Walsh.

P&C discuss their general impressions of Matt Walsh, then review some of his recent works, starting with Johnny the Walrus.

In this wonderful children’s book, little Johnny likes to pretend he’s a walrus. His woke mother felt she had to affirm Johnny as a walrus but eventually learns to be a responsible parent.

P&C both bought the book because they want to affirm sensible people who say no to the insane elements of the woke left. This is a great book to read to your kids. They’ll get it. All your woke friends won’t.

If this was all Matt Walsh did to save the culture, that would be enough. But he also produced a fantastic documentary called “What is a woman?” in which he interviews some truly frightening people saying incredibly scary things. It’s the kind of nonsense that’s so insane you’re not sure whether to laugh or cry.

His technique was simple. He asked simple questions and let these idiots speak for themselves. There’s no need to refute them. They’re self-evidently crazy.

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