P&C drink and review a stout from Jamaica then ask what’s the point of a liberal church?
Wokeism has taken over many liberal Christian denominations, with their BLM posters and LGBTlmnop flags.
Why do people go to church in the first place? Usually people go to church to become a better disciple of Jesus. The liberal churches seem to have interpreted that as being uber-tolerant.
Pigweed asks “but aren’t churches supposed to be judgy?,” and doesn’t forgiveness come after repentance?
Here are some characteristics of liberal churches.
- They don’t believe the Bible.
- They betray basic Christian doctrines such as the virgin birth and the deity of Christ.
- They believe man is good rather than sinful and in need of a savior.
- They compromise on sexual ethics. Same-sex marriage, LGBlmnop, gender fluidity, etc.
- The believe everyone goes to heaven.
- They deny the resurrection and Christ’s miracles.
- They put social justice over the Gospel.
The West is based on Christianity, and the West is under attack by many forces, such as Islam, secularism, and communism. Can the liberal church stand up against these attacks?
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