P&C drink and review a “special lager,” then discuss the domestication of plants and animals, and how that differs from genetically modified food.
Dogs were domesticated about 18,000 years ago. Plants were domesticated about 10,000 years ago. Goats, sheep, and chickens might have been domesticated about 8,000 years ago. The farm animals we have today are very different from the original stock they were taken from.
Domestication raises some interesting questions, like what characteristics make an animal domesticatable? E.g., why do we have domestic horses but not domestic zebras?
It’s not just animals. Most of the food we eat has been modified from its wild origin. The apples, carrots, corn and such that we eat are very different from the wild plants they came from. The same applies on the animal side to sheep, cows, pigs, goats, and such.
If these plants and animals were modified from their “natural” state, why is this different from genetically modified organisms?
The boys discuss domestication and how it has affected human history.
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