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471: How can we (should we) protect children on the internet?

The boys drink and review an English IPA from Guilford Brewing, then discuss the internet, and why we allow children on the thing.

People 50 years from now are going to condemn us for the way we’ve destroyed children’s innocence by giving them access to this putrid environment.

Australia recently passed a bill to restrict social media to 16 and above. That might be a good start

We have to show an ID to buy beer or cigarettes, why do we allow children on the porn-infested internet.

Why not a kid-friendly, open internet, and another internet where you have to sign on and demonstrate you’re an adult?

There are legit privacy questions, of course. Will the government — or Apple — have a record of what everyone does online?

Those are excuses. There are solutions to this problem, we’re just not trying hard enough to create them.

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