The boys drink Right Proper Pale Ale and discuss book bans.
Anne Arundel County in Maryland has become “a book sanctuary.” They want “all voices, all stories, and all perspectives to be protected.”
Crowhill calls it out as a flat lie and virtue signalling. These same people (or their intellectual fellow travelers) have been in favor of censorship on social media. Why is the library any different?
Should we make a distinction between what children can access and what adults can access?
A big part of the problem is the misuse of the word “banned.” You’re not banning a book if you choose not to stock it at the local library. You’re not banning a book if you believe children’s story hour shouldn’t include child pornography.
At the local library there are tables full of “banned books.” They’re so banned that they have a prominent place at the front of the library.
Are these “sanctuary libraries” going to include Mein Kampt, books on how to make your own suicide vests, “My Favorite Lynchings”?
The rhetoric is that “all views” are accepted. That’s a transparent lie.
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