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435: Why are we so fat? Obesity in America

The boys drink and review St. Bernardus Ale, then discuss the obesity epidemic.

Why is it that videos from the 1920s up to fairly recent times show mostly slim, fit people, but everybody at Walmart is fat? What has happened?

According to Dr. Peter Attia, the standard American diet is a solution to a business and marketing problem, in four parts.

1. Quantity. Too many people were undernourished and we need to produce calories at scale
2. Cost. We don’t want food to cost too much
3. Storage. It has to be non-perishable and portable
4. Taste. It has to taste good

We’ve definitely solved that problem, but we’ve created another. About 43 percent of U.S. adults are obese.

What happened? P&C review the stats and the possible explanations.

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