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424: Scientific American values wokeness over science

P&C drink and review Little Mac IPA from Antietam Brewing then discuss the downward slide of a famous scientific magazine that was founded before the American Civil War!

It would be nice to have a reliable standard to find out what’s actually going on in the scientific world. Scientific American magazine used to be that. Recently it’s gone woke, and now it’s no longer that beacon of scientific judgment.

Some signs of their recent wokeness.

* Michael Shermer’s column was rejected because it might hurt someone’s feelings.
* Scientific American slandered E.O. Wilson with a woke diatribe.
* They promote the transgender nonsense.
* They have claimed that football is racist, and and that denial of evolution is white supremacy.
* They want federal oversight of homeschooling.

The revered old magazine has gone too far to the left and has fallen off the woke end of the spectrum. Steven Pinker tweeted: “Unscientific American | Another noble American institution run into the ground when clueless trustees handed over the keys to a woke fanatic.”

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