The boys drink and review Jailbreak’s White Russian cream ale, then discuss five topics in five minutes.
#1 — Confusibles. The boys review some words people commonly use incorrectly. That vs. which. Farther vs. further. etc.
#2 — Swiss fat lesbians. A journalist was sentenced to 60 days in jail for calling a self-described fat lesbian a fat lesbian. Which is true. She is a fat lesbian. But to call her one is somehow hate speech. Which is a ridiculous concept to begin with.
#3 — Is “back to the office” a tool of the patriarchy? Here’s the logic. Men are more willing to work jobs they don’t like, put in more hours, and put up with crap than women are. Women have more emphasis on work-life balance. Working from home is better for work-life balance, so forcing employees back to the office disproportionately affects women.
#4 — The greatest rap song of all time! Ben Shapiro (aka Dr. Dreidel) joins with Tom McDonald to make a politically conservative rap song. It ends up topping the charts!! Crowhill is not impressed.
#5 — The “He gets us” Superbowl ad. It’s pretty lame, and it seems to reaffirm unfair criticisms of Christians, but on the positive side, it’s possibly getting people interested in Jesus.
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