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334: Pride Month — The most glorious month of the year?

Pride MonthThe boys drink and review Old Blarney Barley Wine, then discuss pride month.

During pride month, everyone on the planet is invited — or rather, compelled — to celebrate the sexual proclivities of a small minority.

“It’s a month that vomits rainbows, glitter, and dildos,” Pigweed says.

Sexuality is usually considered a private thing. It seems odd for it to be a gaudy parade. Something doesn’t fit here.

At first, the LGB movement was about allowing homosexuals to share health insurance and hospital visitation rights. Now, if you don’t allow gay porn in public schools and celebrate when a trans person does a pole dance at the library in front of children, you’re a bigot.

We have lost the distinction between tolerating and celebrating. Tolerating wasn’t enough. Now we have to have parades, because “silence is violence.”

Americans need to decide that they will no longer participate in the lies.

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