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303: Rights. What are they, and where do they come from?

Thomas JeffersonThe boys drink and review Stone’s Delicious Double IPA, then discuss rights.

What is a right? We hear it all the time, but when do we stop to think about it, what does it really mean?

Do rights depend on someone granting us a right, or do we have rights by nature?

The idea of natural law goes back to the Greeks, and has a long history in the west. But what is it based on?

In the Christian world, the natural law was received as a body of unwritten rules depending upon universal conscience and common sense, ascertainable by right reason.

How does natural law relate to legal rights?

John Locke promoted the idea of Life, Liberty, and Property. How does that work with “cultural relativism,” or the idea that we get our rights from the government?

The Declaration of Independence asserts we have rights from our Creator. Do rights depend on God?

And what about enumerated vs. unenumerated rights.

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