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222: The Rapture of the Church

The RaptureWhat is it, who believes in it, and when is it supposed to happen?

The boys drink and review Sprucey Goosey from 1623 brewing, then discuss the Christian idea of the rapture of the church.

The modern view of the rapture was popularized by John Darby in the 19th century, along with “dispensational premillennialism.” That has become the default position of American Evangelicals, although it was not the majority view of the church through history.

P&C try to unpack some of the elements of eschatology — the millennium, the rapture, and the tribulation — then explain the basic idea of the rapture, and how it fits in with different ideas about the end of the world. They also discuss some of the major personalities involved in promoting or predicting the end of the world, like Harold Camping.

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