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212: Suffering and the justice of God

The FlayingWhat is suffering, and why does God allow it?

The boys drink and review Cigar City’s White Oak Jai Alai IPA, then discuss suffering.

Does suffering disprove the existence of an all-powerful, perfectly good God? What is the nature of suffering, and why does it exist? What is the proper response to suffering? Why do Catholics “offer it up” when they experience suffering?

Would humans be capable of enjoying a world without suffering? Don’t we need obstacles to overcome?

Finally, the boys discuss transhumanism, and how there might be a future in which men have been altered to eliminate all suffering.


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  2. For a Jewish perspective, consider “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” by Rabbi Harold Kusner. Often mis-cited as “Why” instead of “When”, the former being an unanswerable question.

    • Crowhill Crowhill

      Thanks for that. I remember when that book came out, but I haven’t read it.

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