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Month: September 2024

445: Can you fall in love with AI?

The boys drink and review Troegs Graffiti Highway IPA, then discuss the movie “Her” and the idea of having a romantic, emotional relationship with AI.

“Her” was made in 2013, but many of the concepts are still applicable today — even more than they were in 2013!

Joaquin Phoenix plays the lead character (Theodore Twombly), who decides to use a new AI-powered operating system, which allows him to organize his life, but also becomes a daily companion and confidante. The AI (Samantha) becomes part of his life, and he slowly falls in love with her/it — and, if you can believe it, she/it with him.

The movie challenges our concepts of love and personality at a fundamental level.

Eventually, Theodore finds out that Samantha (the AI) is having a similar relationship with 8,000 other people. He’s heartbroken, because one element of human love is exclusive.

The movie is worth watching, but P&C evaluate how the insights from “Her” apply to modern technology, and where we seem to be going with sexbots and AI agents and so on.

Ex Machina is another film that addresses some of the same themes.

So … Can you fall in love with AI? You’d better watch out, because yes, you can.

444: How Woke Took Over Corporate America. Including Harley Davidson?

The boys drink and review an English trappist ale, then discuss some strange news in the world of woke.

It used to be that corporations were Republican, buttoned-up, and conservative. Recently, corporations are at the forefront of woke stupidity.

About the time of Obama’s presidency, there was a huge switch. The Democrats used to be the part of the poor and the working class. They were the party of peace. Republicans were the darling of the corporations.

Now it’s the opposite.

After FLOVID, DEI and woke BS went into overdrive in the corporate world. Inclusive advertising, pronoun policies, LGBYIOASDF parades, an over-emphasis on climate issues, ….

It goes beyond the individual corporations. Blackrock and other investment firms sometimes set the agenda and corporations have to say “yes sir,” and do as they’re told.

It makes sense that Starbucks would go woke. How did Harley Davidson, John Deere, Tractor Supply Company, Jack Danield, and Lowes fall for this nonsense?

Do they know who their customer are?

443: The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot

The boys drink and review Snakeden Saison by 7 Locks Brewing, then review their impressions of The Sound of Hope.

The story starts in Possum Trot, Texas, when Donna Martin is grieving the death of her mother. She feels a calling from God to help some of the children in the foster care system. Her husband, Bishop Martin, reluctantly comes along, but then he decides they’re not only going to adopt — they’re going to take the hardest cases.

Bishop Martin does a deep study on what the Bible says about adoption, and starts preaching on it. This starts a movement in the church and this small church eventually adopts all 77 of the kids out of the foster care system.

This is a heart-warming, inspirational movie, and the best part of it is that it’s based on a true story.