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Month: August 2024

442: The fall of England. We’ll miss you.

The boys drink and review Founders Vanilla Porter, then discuss the slow-motion self-immolation of England as the island cowtows to woke nonsense.

Why is this happening? How did the west get to a spot where we’re so sold on multiculturalism that we excuse migrant crimes and crack down on the people who point them out?

When a violent, disrespectful Syrian boy threatens to rape two young girls, he’s the good guy, and the older brother who stood up for his sisters is the bad guy.

When the police cover up grooming gangs, that’s good and right, but the people who don’t want their wives, sisters, and daughters to get raped are the bad guys.

The idea that the government cares about and respects the will of the people has been revealed as a total farce. The agenda of the elite prevails and the people need to suck it up and go along with it.

There’s a conspiracy against the will of the people. An unholy alliance of the government, media, courts, police, celebrities, entertainment …. They collectively gaslight, intimidate, and insult the people to push their agenda.

If you criticize their agenda, you go to jail.

If Hamas has a violent demonstration, that’s okay. If English patriots have a rally, they’re right-wing extremists who should be hunted down, fined, jailed, and destroyed.

The media won’t report on it. It’s only the alternative media that tells us what’s going on.

440: Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo — shortcut to the classics

The boys drink and review 2 award-winning beers from Heavy Seas, then special guest Longinus joins them at the bar to review Pedro Paramo, a Mexican novella. This is part of the P&C “shortcut to the classics” series.

Pedro Paramo is a confusing book. The structure, timing, the use of punctuation, who’s speaking, and even whether people are alive or dead is never quite certain.

The book is named after the central character, Pedro Paramo, who is a powerful and tyrannical landowner in the town of Comala. He’s also the father of Juan Preciado, the novel’s primary protagonist, who is sent to Comala by Dolores Preciado, his dying mother, to get what they’re owed.

On his way to find Comala, Juan meets Abundio Martinez, another of Pedro’s illegitimate sons.

Comala is a ghost town in two senses. Not only is there almost no one there, it’s full of ghosts.

Rulfo’s work is an example of magical realism, where seemingly impossible things happen and are accepted by the characters as if nothing special is happening.

The story pursues themes like death and the supernatural, memory and time, despair and hoplelessness, power and corruption, religion and guilt, isolation and loneliness. The themes combine to create a haunting exploration of human existence, where the boundaries between life and death, past and present, are fluid.

This is an interesting but difficult book. If you give it a try, plan to read it twice.

SE1: Did Democrats provoke the Trump assassination attempt?

Did the Democrats provoke the assassination attempt against Donald Trump with their over-the-top language? They repeatedly called him Hitler, a threat to democracy, a dictator, that this will be the last election, etc.? Did that inspire the Trump shooter?

It’s easy to imagine. Everyone has had the sophomoric argument about going back in time and killing Hitler before he took power. If you’re faced with an actual Hitler — right here and now — what are you going to do?

Aside from that, how could this have possibly happened? Why did the Secret Service fall down on the job?

The level of incompetence demonstrated by the Secret Service is almost unbelievable. Was it all just a big cluster frack, or was the Secret Service in on it?

What’s the role of DEI in this disaster? Was the Secret Service encumbered by a bunch of unqualified DEI hires?

The head of the Secret Service had a mission to promote women. That was the chip on her shoulder. Did that become more important than fulfilling the actual mission of the Secret Service?

This level of buffoonery and clown-town behavior is close to impossible. It’s almost necessary to believe it was a setup.

But then there’s Hanlon’s razor: never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity and incompetence.

439: Julian Assange — love him or hate him?

P&C drink and review Crabtown Classic, a local Vienna Lager from Jailbreak Brewing, then discuss Julian Assange.

The Assange case brings out the contrast between freedom of the press and national security.

Assange had a libertarian streak and was suspicious of authority — especially governmental authority. He believed information should be free, particularly when it exposes the misdeeds of governments.

Many believe Assange was supporting whistleblowers, and that his case was a test case for freedom of the press.

Some of the things Assange revealed allegedly betrayed “sources and methods” and compromised national security.

Assange’s prolonged legal battle over extradition from the UK to the US raises concerns about fair trial standards, the potential for politically motivated charges, and the treatment of whistleblowers and journalists under international law.

Is Assange a whistleblower deserving of protection, or a criminal who recklessly endangered lives? The debate is central to the case and reflects broader societal questions about the ethics of leaking classified information.

438: The old left vs. the new left

P&C drink and review a Pretzel Wheat Beer from Aldus Brewery, then discuss how “the left” has changed over the last few decades.

In many areas, the left of the 60s and 70s has been turned on its head by the modern, woke left.

The contrasts become clear when you think about the attitude towards …

  • Authority and government
  • War
  • Drugs
  • Free speech
  • Multinational corporations
  • The working class
  • Individual rights
  • The rule of law
  • Civil liberties
  • Free markets
  • Individualism

Wokeism has replaced the liberalism of the 60s. The woke require lockstep conformity to a far-left perspective on race, gender, sexuality (and maybe climate, and vaccines), or we’ll ruin your life. There’s no individual rights. There’s no free speech. You must comply.

437: 20 other “existential threats” to the human race

The boys drink and review Phantasm Double IPA from Elder Pine brewery, then discuss all the other ways humanity might come to an end — other than global warming.

Here’s a list of other ways the world might come to an end, starting with natural causes.
* Asteroid Impact
* Supervolcanic Eruption
* Gamma-Ray Burst
* Magnetic Pole Reversal
* Global Pandemic
* Solar Superflare
* Going back into the ice age
* Loss of pollinators or other essential critters
* Methane Clathrate Release

But that’s not all. There are also human causes.

* Nuclear War
* Artificial Intelligence
* Biological or Chemical Warfare
* Environmental Collapse
* Technological Catastrophe
* Economic Collapse
* Resource Wars
* Cyber Warfare
* Collapse in human fertility
* Lack of confidence in the system
* Universal Islam or Liberalism

436: The GOP is the natural home for black Americans

The boys drink and review White Chocolate Dream Blonde Stout by Black Beauty Brewery, then (starting at 3:43) discuss the history of blacks and the GOP.

The Republican Party (GOP) started with the explicit intention of stopping the spread of slavery in America. The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves.

Democrats have a horrible record on votes that affect black people. Most Democrats votes against the 13th amendment (to free slaves). No Democrats voted for the 14th amendment (making freed slaves citizens). No Democrats voted for the 15th amendment (giving slaves the right to vote).

The first black Senators (in 1870) were Republicans. The first black Representatives (in 1871) were Republicans. The first 23 black Representatives were Republicans. The first black Democrat Senator was in 1993!

Democrats founded the KKK. Democrats started Jim Crow laws. By percentage, more Republicans than Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Given all this, why do blacks predominantly vote for Democrats?

P.S. — Crowhill is not a Republican.

435: Why are we so fat? Obesity in America

The boys drink and review St. Bernardus Ale, then discuss the obesity epidemic.

Why is it that videos from the 1920s up to fairly recent times show mostly slim, fit people, but everybody at Walmart is fat? What has happened?

According to Dr. Peter Attia, the standard American diet is a solution to a business and marketing problem, in four parts.

1. Quantity. Too many people were undernourished and we need to produce calories at scale
2. Cost. We don’t want food to cost too much
3. Storage. It has to be non-perishable and portable
4. Taste. It has to taste good

We’ve definitely solved that problem, but we’ve created another. About 43 percent of U.S. adults are obese.

What happened? P&C review the stats and the possible explanations.

434: Protesters are mostly idiots

The boys drink and review Hare Chaser Grapefruit IPA from Flying Dog brewery, then discuss the ignorance of most protesters.

You would think that if a person is willing to take time off of school or work, jeopardize their education or job, or their future, to clash with police, to protest an injustice — that they might know something about the topic!

The Ben Franklin Players come on the show to illustrate a common experience with modern protesters.

When a pro-Palestinian protester says “from the river to the sea,” odds are good he doesn’t know which river or which sea.

Then we have to consider the different treatment protesters get from law enforcement.

Damage public property, steal and burn the U.S. flag and assault police officers? That’s free speech.

Pray outside an abortion clinic? Jail.

P&C discuss the protest culture and our response.