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Month: December 2021

190: The Woke and presuppositionalism

How are the woke like conservative Protestant Christians?

P&C review the latest DuClaw version of the “Pastryarchy,” then discuss woke presuppositionalism.

Crowhill explains what “presuppositionalism” means, and then the boys discuss the sorts of things that we all presuppose.

Context. Goals. Value. Ethics. We can’t even perceive the world without these things. So in some limited sense, the basic concept of “presuppositionalism” is true.

How does this apply to the woke?

First, there are things the woke all assume, which P&C review. But second, the woke don’t seem to believe there’s any common ground between the woke and the un-woke. The un-woke shouldn’t even be allowed to speak, they say.

There is also a component of transformational knowledge — that there are some things you can’t understand until you have experienced them. The boys discuss and review.

189: The War on Drugs

war on drugsDid we win? Did we give up? Are we still fighting it?

The boys review Crowhill’s Dopplebock, then discuss the war on drugs.

This so-called war on drugs has been going on for decades. What has it accomplished? Drug use is up. Deaths by overdose are high and are increasing.

If we’re really fighting a war on drugs, how should that affect our border policy? 

What is the role of Big Pharma and pain management? How did the lockdown affect drug use? What about legalization?

188: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-BriggsIs this popular personality index of any real use?

P&C drink and review Pigweed’s latest homebrew, then discuss the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

MBTI is an enormously popular and financially successful personality test that categorizes people along four axes: Extroversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving.

Businesses seem to love it, and some people even put their MBTI personality type in their dating app, or their Facebook profile.

But is it scientific? Is it really doing what people think it’s doing?

187: Renaissance Festivals

Maryland Renaissance FestivalWhat makes the Renn Fest so peaceful and fun? The boys discuss.

P&C review Naughty or Nice, an IPA from Devil’s Backbone, then discuss the Renaissance festival.

Pigweed and Crowhill’s experience is entirely with the Maryland Renn Fest, which they hear is one of the better ones.

The Renn Fest is the happiest place on earth. Everyone is there to have a good time. There are no bad attitudes. No arguments. No conflicts.

It can get bawdy, and quite silly, and it’s not always purely “Renaissance.” The periods get a little confused. But it’s a great time.

186: CBD vs. THC: What do they do?

cbdShould you be munching on CBD gummies to cure your anxiety?

The boys drink and review a Guinness Christmas stout, then discuss CBD vs. THC.

If you believe the internet, CBD seems like a cure-all. But if you go to the web sites that sell it, the claims get much more modest!

Are there any decent studies to tell us what CBD can and can’t do? There are some, and they’re not that encouraging. While there are a few proven benefits of CBD, most of the claims are not supported by science.

Pigweed and Crowhill urge caution.

185: Pigweed and Crowhill go to church

evangelical churchWe satisfied Pigweed’s curiosity about mega churches

The boys review Pigweed’s most recent Pale Ale, then discuss a field trip to a local Evangelical church. Longinus came along as well, and contributed to the podcast.

The building itself was very plain — like an auditorium. There was no religious art. There was only one cross, which wasn’t even in a central location.

The music was upbeat, but a little weird. The service focused on the very long sermon, which was biblical, but a bit rambling.

The boys reflect on the experience and the religious and social implications.

184: The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo TolstoyThe Tolstoy entry in our shortcut to the classics series.

P&C drink and review Old Rasputin, by North Coast Brewing Company, then review a short novel by Leo Tolstoy. Literary contributor Longinus joined in this podcast.

Ivan Ilyich seems like a decent man. When he’s tempted to think he’s not living his life the way he should, he scoffs. He does what’s expected of him, and observes all the proprieties!

But when he suffers an injury that slowly and inexorably leads to his death, he suffers a terrible battle with his conscience.

This short, dark story is worth a read, and some reflection.

183: People who are addicted to drama

Drama QueenWhy are some people drawn to constant, unsolvable emotional crises?

P&C drink and review Crowhill’s Kentucky Brown Ale, then discuss people who are drawn to drama — in their own lives, or in the lives of their significant others.

You may be addicted to drama if …

* Life is a roller coaster.
* You storm in and out of relationships. And you sabotage them.
* Drama is a bad addiction. You hate it and need it at the same time.
* You’re Loud. Childish. Agressive. There’s a lot of yelling and crying.
* You compliment people a lot.
* You create emotional situations that can’t be solved.
* You’re drawn to social media.

P&C discuss.

182: The Sexual Revolution and the Pill

sexual revolutionWas it a good thing for society?

The boys drink and review Schlafly’s Salted Caramel Stout, then discuss the sexual revolution and the pill.

What was the sexual revolution about? Where did it come from, and why?

The boys start with Rousseau and Freud, then review technical and social changes that led up to the changes in the 1960s. There seemed to be a general trajectory towards men and women participating equally in society.

The three pillars of the sexual revolution were divorce, contraception and gender roles. P&C discuss the ups and downs.

181: What’s up with Furries?

FurriesThe boys take a look at people who dress up as cartoon animals

P&C drink and review Hardywood Rum Barrel Pumpkin, then discuss the world of furries.

What is this furry business all about? Is it an excuse for kinky sex? A way for ugly people to hide behind a cute mask?

No. It’s a combination of comics, cosplay and cartoons, with a bit of escapism and childish fun.

P&C both thought they were going to be fairly negative about furries, but after looking into it a bit, they both ended up pretty sympathetic.