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Month: September 2021

162: The Temperance Movement: America’s strange history with alcohol

The Drunkard's Progress
The Drunkard’s Progress
P&C drink and review DuClaw’s Mad Bishop, then discuss the temperance movement, and laws about alcohol.

The American temperance movement led to more women participating in politics, and eventually to Prohibition. Looking back on Prohibition, it looks silly. But several trends going on at the time made it less ridiculous than you might think.

Also, contrary to popular belief, it was not an exclusively American phenomenon. The wide availability of cheap liquor created social issues all around the world.

161: Arthur Schopenhauer’s pessimistic philosophy

Arthur SchopenhauerP&C welcome the Ben Franklin Players, who perform a skit called “Schopenhauer’s Evangelist.” Then they drink and review Cigar City’s Margarita Gose.

Schopenhauer was a dour fellow whose philosophy is rather depressing. Life is nothing but endless and useless suffering and striving, he says. Everything stems from a “Will to Life,” which deceives us to continue on this useless treadmill, simply to perpetuate life. Suffering is the default state. Our fleeting enjoyments are the exception.

His proposed path out would satisfy most Buddhists. Pursue a path of asceticism and kill this useless striving.

160: How Much Should Government Protect Us From Ourselves?

Protect meP&C review a Maibock, then ask at what point has the government gone too far in trying to protect us?

If a citizen is doing something unsafe, should the government step in? If so, in what cases? What are the limiting principles?

There seems to be a sliding scale between areas where government should clearly intervene, and areas where it clearly should not, and it’s hard to come up with a clear red line between them.

159: China’s restrictions on video games and movies

Fairy God-thingP&C drink and review “Slightly Mighty” by Dogfish Head, then review China’s recent crackdowns on video games and effeminate men in movies.

Since the CCP has complete control over technology services in China, they can monitor how much time kids spend playing video games. They’re limiting kids to 3 hours / week, and only on the weekend. 

This is part of a response to an alleged crisis of masculinity in their culture. They’re also proscribing movies that show effeminate men.

This is a common concern in nations that are trying to build an empire. Which tells us about China’s ambitions.

158: The right to privacy

PrivacyP&C drink and review DuClaw’s Root Beer Float Imperial Brown Ale — part of their Pastryarchy series — then discuss the right to privacy. What is it, where did it come from, and what are its limits?

Recently, Apple has decided it will scan people’s phones for kiddie porn. Can they do that?

“Well, what do you have to hide?”

Is it an admission of guilt to tell people they should mind their own business?