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189: The War on Drugs

war on drugsDid we win? Did we give up? Are we still fighting it?

The boys review Crowhill’s Dopplebock, then discuss the war on drugs.

This so-called war on drugs has been going on for decades. What has it accomplished? Drug use is up. Deaths by overdose are high and are increasing.

If we’re really fighting a war on drugs, how should that affect our border policy? 

What is the role of Big Pharma and pain management? How did the lockdown affect drug use? What about legalization?


  1. smitemouth smitemouth

    I agree that if we had a war on drugs, we’d do something more serious…like shoot drug dealers/smugglers.

    I thought the comment about going after cocaine processing plants in Colombia to be… well, so 1980s. Cocaine isn’t the problem…it’s opioids that people are being killed by…or killing themselves with.

    Nixon started the war on drugs to go after the hippies because they were his political enemies. It was solely political really. Look how they treated marijuana … where now, even Oklahoma has

  2. Crowhill Crowhill

    I think your comment got clipped.

    In any event, P&C agree with you that there’s little rhyme or reason to what we’re doing now.

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