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133: G.I. woke

P&C drink and review Hysteria’s Barleyfine, then discuss military recruitment.

How do you inspire young men to join the armed forces and put their lives on the line for the country? According to the Biden administration, wokeness is the key. What we need, they think, is flight suits for pregnant women.

The boys recently watched four recruitment videos: one from China, one from Russia, and two from the U.S. — one for the army and one for the CIA. The Russians and the Chinese are appealing to masculinity, strength, discipline, self-sacrifice and other traditional disciplines. The U.S. videos are all about voyages of self discovery, wokeness and narcissism.

The military is about shedding your individual identity to become part of a bigger cause, specifically service to the country. But Biden thinks other things are more important.

Our enemies are laughing.


  1. pentamom pentamom

    Impostor syndrome is just a medicalized term for the feeling that most people have at one time or another, where they feel like they’re unqualified for the job they’re doing and “there must be some mistake” about them being in that job.

    Grownups realize that’s one of those dumb “mind and emotions play tricks on you” things that you shake off and move forward, focusing on the objective realities of whether they are succeeding in adequate job performance and realizing that nagging feelings that they’ve duped their employers and co-workers are to be disregarded. Immature people define themselves as “sufferers” from a “syndrome” when they have those feelings, or seek to blame society for “making” them feel like that.

    So in one sense, having “impostor syndrome” shouldn’t disqualify someone from the CIA, because it’s just a weird glitch that normal people frequently get now and then.

    But on the other hand, people who define themselves by passing irrational feelings aren’t the sort that should be role models for something like the CIA.

    • Crowhill Crowhill

      Sorry, didn’t get the notification of this comment.

      I didn’t get the feeling the person in that CIA ad was having a temporary problem. It sounded a little more serious to me.

  2. pentamom pentamom

    Oh, and about the “uptalk” thing (ending sentences on a higher note; I listened to the podcast a few hours ago and don’t remember the exact wording used) — this is one of those things that gets deployed in entirely opposite ways as it suits the occasion. Most of the time, if you bring up things like “uptalk”, you get scolded for “policing the ways in which women talk” (as though that never happens to men, and as though there aren’t reasonable opinions about whether people come off better talking in one way as opposed to another). But in this case, it’s apparently convenient to use the absence of it as a positive, so she just throws the uptalking sisterhood under the bus. None of it makes any sense.

    • Crowhill Crowhill

      I’m somewhat glad I don’t know what it is.

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