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132: Lockdown, take 2

P&C drink and review Gaffel’s Kolsch, then discuss the lockdown. Was it worth it?

What was the original purpose of locking us all in our homes? How did we get into this weird situation in the first place? Why did we allow it to go so long? What were the consequences, and the unintended consequences?

In making this unprecedented decision, did anyone count the costs of the lockdown? Apparently not. It seems that the allegedly free governments of the west saw that China got away with it and decided to give it a try. To their surprise (and glee?), it worked.

The lockdown was a one-size fits all response to a disease that was known to affect demographic groups very differently. It was a hammer solution to a tweezer problem.

Think of the damage that’s been done to our culture as a result of the lockdown. The media is in cahoots with the government, promoting one story and suppressing another. We’ve accepted the idea that there’s an orthodoxy of thought, and it’s infiltrated science. Big tech, big government and media are all in a conspiracy to shoot down dissent.

P&C discuss these issues, then review the lockdown from three perspectives: what it’s done to freedom, health and the economy.


  1. pentamom pentamom

    On the subject of limiting emergency powers, on May 18, Pennsylvanians voted yes on two constitutional amendments to limit the governor’s emergency powers. There is now a 21 say limit for an emergency declaration, after which the legislature must agree to extend the declaration, and the declaration can be ended at any time with a simple majority of both houses.

    This will not take effect until the election is certified sometime in the next two weeks (it’s really hard to find anywhere that says what that process is or when it will happen). That being the case, and since the current 90 day declaration (which would be about the fifth one since the beginning of the pandemic) was set to expire on the 20th, Governor Wolf, knowing that the amendments had passed but were not yet in effect, chose to extend the emergency declaration for another 90 days.

    This, even though on May 4, he had already announced that all restrictions other than masking were to be lifted in May 31. Masking for vaccinated people was lifted two weeks ago when the CDC’s new advice came out, and for unvaccinated people will be ended on June 28 or when the over-18 fully vaccinated percentage hits 70% for the state, whichever comes first.

    He’s had a consistent pattern of refusing to cooperate with the opposite party controlled legislature or listen to the complaints of Pennsylvanians, and then shortly after issuing some statement about how he knows what’s best and everyone should stop whining, lifting or modifying restrictions or mitigations in an “I was gonna do that ANYWAY” sort of tone.

    • Crowhill Crowhill

      Hurrah Pennsylvania!

  2. pentamom pentamom

    Sorry, 21 DAY and next few weeks, not next two week.

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