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131: Biden’s first 100 days

The boys drink and review Spaten’s Optimator — a delicious dopplebock from Germany — then discuss Biden’s first 100 days in office. How has he done?

While there are some decent, or even positive points, the overall rating is poor.

Pigweed and Crowhill discuss Joe’s sharp left turn, his oversight of the vaccine program, his spending proposals, his cowardice in the face of the teacher’s union, his mismanagement of the border, his foreign policy, climate issues, social justice, police reform, accusing the United States of racism …. Biden seems on track to be Jimmy Carter 2, or worse.

One Comment

  1. Enjoyable show, but I must disagree with your grading. In my mind having a competent and calm leader at the helm, who doesn’t feel the need to draw attention to himself every day, is a vast improvement over the Trump years. On substance, he gets an A from me from bringing needed coordination to the vaccination rollout rather than dump the vaccines on the states and letting them figure it out on their own. On other policies an incomplete until more times passes and we see how they play out.

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